How to Customize Detail Fields in Kinship
Remember Better, with Kinship
Are you looking for a way to remember the important details about the people in your life? Look no further than the Details section in each Kin card. This powerful feature of Kinship allows you to create and organize your own form fields, ensuring that you never forget what's most important about each person.
Whether it's remembering who introduced you to someone, where you met, or even their pet's name, Kinship has you covered. With the ability to customize fields, you can tailor the Details section to suit your needs perfectly. Need to remember that your friend dislikes cilantro or that they've been wanting tickets to Hamilton? Kinship has got you covered.
To truly harness the power of Kinship's cross-features, it's essential to select the correct data type when adding new details. For example, choosing "contact info" for emails and phone numbers enables you to start connections directly from Kinship. You can even designate a primary contact if you have multiple contact details for someone. Similarly, selecting "Date" allows Kinship to identify important dates and remind you beforehand.
With Kinship's Details section, you can say goodbye to forgetting important details about the people in your life. Instead, stay organized and on top of your relationships with this powerful feature. Unlock the full potential of Kinship today and never forget a detail again.
Standard Detail Fields
How to Find Standard Detail Fields
From a Kin (contact) Profile, standard detail fields can be found via:
Add Detail → see a list of Suggested Details and Popular Details
Add Detail → Search for a specific detail field
Don’t know where to start? Check out this list of top ten polled from Client Relationship Manager (CRM) and Personal Relationship Manager (PRM) users.

Suggested Detail Fields
Did you know
Kinship keeps track of the top used Detail fields across Kinship Super Users, and displays them as suggested detail fields.
How to Find Suggested Detail Fields
From a Kin (contact) Profile, suggested detail fields can be found via:
Add Detail → Suggested Details

Popular Detail Fields
Did you know
Kinship keeps track of your top used Detail fields, and displays them as popular detail fields.
How to Find Suggested Detail Fields
From a Kin (contact) Profile, suggested detail fields can be found via:
Add Detail → Popular Details
Unique Detail Fields
Here’s a list of the top favorite, unique custom detail fields we’ve seen across all users. Remember, going beyond basic details and remembering what makes people truly unique goes a long way towards deepening your connection.

Top 10 Detail Fields For MBAs
Here's a list of the top ten custom detail fields for managing relationships with MBA program professionals such as professors, advisors, and administrators.
Tip: Remember professional and personal details to forge long-lasting connections with people in your professional network.